
criminal defense

The Criminal Defense Attorney Palmer

Being accused of a crime is one of the most frightening things that can happen in life. At Criminal Defense Attorney Palmer, we understand how you feel. We understand what is at stake for you. And we can offer the help you need right now.

Just because you were charged with a crime doesn’t automatically mean that you will be convicted. Our skilled criminal defense lawyers will thoroughly investigate the facts and the alleged evidence. If the police made any procedural mistakes, or if there are other flaws in the prosecution’s case, our attorneys can take full advantage of it to seek reduced charges or an outright dismissal.

Read four keys to creating a strong defense strategy and protecting your rights.

criminal defense attorney Palmer

The Types Of Cases We Take

We handle the following criminal matters, among many others:

DUI/drunk driving

Drug crimes, from possession to trafficking

Violent crimes, from robbery and assault to kidnapping and murder

Juvenile crimes, from vandalism and sex crimes to assault and homicide

Theft crimes, including shoplifting, embezzlement, Medicare/Medicaid fraud, PFD fraud and welfare fraud

White collar crimes, from identity theft to credit card fraud

Sex crimes, from child pornography to sexual abuse of a minor and sexual assault

We Have The Experience You Seek

Attorney Gayle J. Brown has more than 21 years of experience defending adults and juveniles in both state and federal court. She has handled countless high-profile cases involving allegations of kidnapping, homicide, sexual assault, robbery, assault and other serious felonies. She has also been featured on Dateline and Forensic Files.

Gayle J. Brown is a founder and former president of the Alaska Association of criminal defense attorney Anchorage Lawyers and former vice president of the Alaska Association for Justice’s criminal section. She was named one of the “Top 100 Trial Lawyers” by The National Trial Lawyers in 2012.

Attorney Gayle J. Brown also has extensive experience with state and federal criminal cases and appeals.

Call at  Law Office of Gayle J. Brown for a free consultation today: 1-866-930-0338. You can also reach us by email,

criminal defense

The Criminal Defense Attorney Palmer

criminal defense attorney Palmer

The effect of a conviction of a criminal charge should never be underestimated. Depending on the circumstances of the charge, a conviction can mean the end of personal and professional opportunities, or a direct deprivation of life and liberties. As such, it is critical to take deliberate and decisive action in protecting your rights. One wrong move can turn what would have been a dismissal into a conviction. We are ready to put more than three decades of criminal defense experience to work for you.

Regardless of the charges against you, we at Aglietti, Offret & Woofter will do everything we can to protect your rights and reach the best possible outcome in negotiation or court. It is important to realize that in Alaska, the district attorney will almost always do everything possible to overcharge. In practice, this means that it is frequently possible and advisable to make a plea. That said, if our lawyers believe that the case against you is weak, we will do everything possible to attack any weaknesses with the goal of obtaining a dismissal, if possible.

criminal defense attorney Palmer

As necessary, we can use investigative services, private investigators and computer analysis to undertake the investigation that these cases require. From there, we will take the course of action most conducive to your long-term well-being.

We are prepared to work on nearly any criminal case on either state or federal levels, including:

Violent crimes




Domestic violence

Sex crimes

Rape/sexual assault

Lewd acts

Felonies and misdemeanors


Firearms offenses

Drug crimes



Intent to distribute

Sales and distribution

White collar crimes

Identity theft



Theft-related crimes




Petty theft

To schedule an initial consultation with one of our criminal defense attorney Anchorage, call 1-866-930-0338 or email the firm at

criminal defense

Best criminal defense attorney Anchorage

When the stakes are high, you want the most experience on your side that you can obtain. Criminal Defense Attorney Anchorage Gayle J. Brown has protected the rights of people in Alaska since 1984. We take a mature, responsible and fair-minded approach and use our strong reputation in the courts in Alaska to help clients get favorable results.

Because of our track record in state and federal criminal cases, attorney Gayle J. Brown is frequently appointed to take over cases that have become problematic for other federal criminal defense attorneys. She was also selected to give a presentation about domestic violence to a statewide judicial conference and was invited to participate in an advisory panel for criminal defenders.

criminal defense attorney Anchorage

flowers in Anchorage, Alaska field

Defending Clients In Federal Court

Many of the crimes charged in federal court in Alaska are drug trafficking cases. In Alaska, the possession with intent to sell marijuana, powder or crack cocaine, heroin and prescription drugs can often involve crossing an international border. When the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is involved, you can be certain that the case will be thoroughly investigated. criminal defense attorney Palmer have greater resources at their disposal than state prosecutors, and so it is even more important that you have experience on your side.

The types of federal crimes with which we have significant experience include:

White collar crimes, including mortgage or welfare fraud charges, embezzlement, money laundering,wire fraud and other crimes

Drug crimes, including drug trafficking, racketeering and drug conspiracy charges

Federal weapons charges

criminal defense

Criminal Defense Attorney Palmer

Welcome to the Law Office of Gayle J. Brown. When it comes to criminal law, we are your best choice for legal representation in criminal defense attorney Palmer and throughout Alaska. Count on our team to protect your rights, fight aggressively on your behalf and to achieve the desired results. If you or a loved one has been accused of a crime, you need to take every measure to make sure your rights are protected. We work tirelessly to ensure that none of our clients are ever treated unjustly by the system. We approach every case, whether it be a traffic infraction or a first-degree murder, with the same level of committment.

Our services

We have the skills and experience to help defend you against a variety of criminal law charges, including:

• Drugs

• DWI/DUI/OUI/Refusal

• Homicide

• Sexual Assault / Abuse

• Theft

• Fraud

• Assault

• Fish & Game Violations

• Domestic Violence

• Probation/Parole Violations

• Weapons Possession

• Child Pornography / Exploitation

criminal defense attorney Palmer

With the Law Office of Gayle J. Brown. in Anchorage, you are in good hands. Let us put our years of criminal law experience to work for you.

Our focus

We know criminal charges are serious. And that is why you need a defense attorney who will treat your case seriously. We are committed to going the extra mile.

Gayle J. Brown has more than 20 years of experience as a successful and aggressive criminal defense attorney. With her vast knowledge of the intricate subtleties of criminal laws and state and federal constitutions, she knows how to bring the best strategy to your case.

If you have been charged with a crime, choose an criminal defense attorney Anchorage that not only knows your rights but will do everything he can to protect them. To learn more about our flexible and affordable payment options or to receive a free consultation, contact us today. We are experts in criminal law and are proud to bring our expertise to help clients throughout the State of Alaska.

criminal defense

Criminal Defense Attorney Anchorage

Have you been arrested and charged with a crime in Anchorage? You need an aggressive Criminal Defense Attorney Anchorage fighting to defend your rights. Whether your case is being handled in state or federal court, you cannot afford to hire a lawyer who does not have the knowledge or experience necessary to fight your charges. Choose the Law Offices of Gayle J. Brown for proven defense!
Reasons to Choose the Law Offices of Gayle J. Brown:
Nearly 23 years of experience
Dedicated to criminal defense
Long track record of success
Recognized by clients and peers alike
Included in the 2017 list of Alaska Super Lawyers®
National Trial Lawyers “Top 100 Trial Lawyers”
Gayle J. Brown has dedicated his career to defending the rights of the accused, resulting in a long track record of success. His dedication to achieving the best possible results for every client he represents has earned him the recognition of his peers.
Call our firm today at 1-866-930-0338
to schedule your FREE case consultation with an experienced defense attorney!
Alaska Super Lawyers® and Top 100 Trial Lawyers
Because of this, she has been included in the 2017 edition of Alaska Super Lawyers®. No more than 5% of attorneys throughout the state are included in the Super Lawyers list, and the fact that Gayle J. Brown was selected for this prestigious honor is a reflection of her outstanding reputation and her achievements over the years. Gayle J. Brown has also been named to The National Trial Lawyers Top 100 Trial Lawyers list, a considerable distinction.
Take a moment to see some examples of his recent case victories and read testimonials from his past clients. When you choose the Law Offices of Gayle J. Brown, you can have confidence in your attorney’s ability to get results!
Fighting State and Federal criminal defense attorney Palmer
With a strong emphasis on federal crimes, this firm can provide you with the aggressive defense that you need in any type of case, from drug crimes to fraud. Information is fundamental to successfully defending against federal criminal charges, especially federal cases. Throughout her years of experience, Attorney Gayle J. Brown has been dedicated to excellence, and he provides thorough representation that clients can rely on in their times of need.
In addition to his emphasis on federal crimes, there are also a number of state offenses that he can defend you against in plea negotiations or court. His firm can help ensure that your rights are upheld throughout your case.